Javanese Lunch
Heute Mittag hat mich Tina zu echt javanischer Kueche eingeladen - Tira und Lia sind auch mitgekommen, obwohl sie derzeit (noch) fasten. Ich hatte "Nasi Bogana", Reis mit Fleisch und Gemuese eingewickelt und zubereitet in Bananenblaettern! Danach haben wir uns kurz umgezogen und noch etwas javanische Musik gemacht :)
Today Tina invited me for real javanese lunch - Tira and Lia also joined, although they are (still) fasting right now. I had "Nasi Bogana", rice with meat and vegetables wrapped and prepared in banana-leafs: delicious! After that we got changed and made a little bit of javenese music :)
Today Tina invited me for real javanese lunch - Tira and Lia also joined, although they are (still) fasting right now. I had "Nasi Bogana", rice with meat and vegetables wrapped and prepared in banana-leafs: delicious! After that we got changed and made a little bit of javenese music :)
jv, at 31/10/05 21:45
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