Barcelona (2) - Arbucies
Am Sonntag ging es dann ins katalonische Dorf Arbucies von wo wir mit Paqui & Albert und Marta & Xavi eine Wandertour gestartet haben. Abends sind wir dann in einem urigen katalonischen Gasthaus eingekehrt, wo wir uns dermaßen vollgefuttert haben, dass wir uns danach erstmal noch 2 Stunden vor dem Restaurant "erholen" mussten :)
On Sunday we met Marta & Xavi and Paqui & Albert for a hiking trip through the forests which we started at a small catalonian village, called Arbucies. Afterwards we were very hungry and had dinner in a very nice restaurant: we ate so much that we had to relax in front of the restaurant first before driving home :)
On Sunday we met Marta & Xavi and Paqui & Albert for a hiking trip through the forests which we started at a small catalonian village, called Arbucies. Afterwards we were very hungry and had dinner in a very nice restaurant: we ate so much that we had to relax in front of the restaurant first before driving home :)
Burki!!!!!!!! Erbrochenes!!!
At the moment we're sitting at Albert's and Paqui's enjoying very nice memories of our time here!
Many greetings from Premià from Albert, Paqui, Josep-Erbrochenes and Schwesterlein!!! Besitos y abrazos, company!!!
By Anonym, at 22/8/07 21:19
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